My Personal Journey
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. ~ Author Unknown
I have felt the need to share my personal story for quite some time, so I would like to take a few minutes to do so in this issue of News & Views. In High School and into my mid-20s and even into my early 30’s, I was PAINFULLY shy. I thought that I would never overcome this problem. I now know that this was because of a huge issue with a lack of confidence. Thankfully, I have overcome my issues with shyness, and I credit my experiences with Federally Employed Women (FEW) for giving me confidence and experiences that have helped me to do so.
Today I know there are medically-prescribed drugs available, and I often wonder if they had been available then, if I would have used them. I do not know, but I am thankful that I do not need them now. FEW provides opportunities for gaining skills in public speaking (something I thought would kill me once upon a time), developing networking and social skills and learning so many other skills. The legislative program in itself is one that is very empowering. Having the opportunity to go into our CAPWIZ program and learn about the issues that affect us as women and federal employees is very educational and powerful and has given me great confidence that I once lacked as an individual. In addition, the training programs provided offered information that has also been very valuable to building confidence and has helped me tremendously. The support that I have found through my networking within FEW has helped me beyond measure as well as the opportunities for speaking and interacting during various meetings.
I still get somewhat nervous on certain occasions, but I will tell you it is not what it once was!
When I started with FEW in 1992, I never imagined that one day I would be sitting at the table with agency heads talking about issues of importance to our members; or standing in front of 2,000 National Training Program attendees speaking about FEW or have those countless other wonderful opportunities that FEW has provided. It has been an amazing journey that will not end until I choose for that journey to end, as I plan to continue to support this wonderful organization for as long as I am able.
If you are considering running for an office in FEW, serving as a committee chair or helping on a committee, I encourage you to take the first step and go for it. The benefits are amazing!
Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.
~Karen Ravn
**Also in the FEW News & Views - February 2010 Issue Volume 2, Issue 13**